Cover image: Voices: Tributes in memory of Shamar Rinpoche, the late 14th Shamarpa

Voices: Tributes in memory of Shamar Rinpoche, the late 14th Shamarpa

Voices: Tributes in memory of Shamar Rinpoche, the late 14th Shamarpa. Edited by Sharon Gamsby, 2017. With excerpts from the teachings of Shamar Rinpoche. Hardcover. Full color. 181 pages.

“One of his mottos was, ‘Not too much tradition,’ warning us not to excessively grasp at the tradition—tradition is meant to be like a vase, designed to display the flowers of Dharma, offering a nice support to a beautiful flower arrangement. No tradition at all would be like creating your own thing or inventing something new, throwing away the Buddha and all his teachings along with 2,500 years of hard work of millions of men and women. Rinpoche always made sure that we understood not to cling too tightly to tradition, but not to be careless either” (Lama Tsony, pages 94–95).

This book is a series of tributes, memories, essays, poetry, and photographs in memory of Shamar Rinpoche, the 14th Shamarpa (1952–2014), created by students, teachers, and friends of Bodhi Path Buddhist Centers. Students of this prominent Tibetan Buddhist lama remember their teacher with tributes and stories about his life. Contributors include Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa; Lama Jigme Rinpoche; Karma Trinlay Rinpoche; Khenpo Tsering Samdup; Lama Jampa Thaye; and Pamela Gayle White, among many others. This hardcover edition includes excerpts from Shamar Rinpoche’s teachings and numerous rare color photographs.

Language: English
ISBN 0996505938 (ISBN13: 978-0996505932)


Book Categories: History and Memoir.