book cover with text and an image of a statue of the Buddha (cover for Buddha Nature: Our Potential for Wisdom, Compassion, and Happiness)

Buddha Nature: Our Potential for Wisdom, Compassion, and Happiness

Buddha Nature: Our Potential for Wisdom, Compassion, and Happiness. Shamar Rinpoche, 2019. Translated and introduced by Tina Draszczyk. Paperback. 100 pages. Also available as a Kindle eBook.

This book presents teachings that Shamar Rinpoche gave on buddha nature in Dhagpo Kagyu Ling, France. In a very inspiring way, the author clearly points out what really counts: the heart of awakening is nothing other than our true nature, and therefore all of us, in fact every sentient being, can awaken to their buddha qualities. Shamar Rinpoche bases his explanations on the text “Revealing Buddha Nature” by the 3rd Karmapa, Rangjung Dorje (1284-1339). A translation by the book’s translator of the underlying text is also included.

Language: English
Paperback ISBN: 0996505989 (ISBN13: 978-0996505987)
Kindle eBook ISBN13: 978-1734782301


Book Categories: Commentary, Meditation, and Sacred Texts.